Enquiry Fails to Find Cause of Livonian Training Disaster

Livonia 'friendly fire' probe clears Russia of duping, but fails to provide answers.

A US board of inquiry has said it is “very unlikely” Russian provocateurs were behind the June 19 training accident in Livonia. The incident occurred when a Greyhawk UAV overshot its target and dropped a GPS-guided bomb on a military site, claiming the lives of 1 American and 7 Livonia. Allegations of human error and a strongly-worded denial of responsibility from the white house have led to a collapse in US Livonian relations as well as a cancellation of the exercise themselves, creating a logistical nightmare and leaving 11,000 overseas personnel stranded. The root cause of the UAV’s malfunction is still unknown and there is no evidence to suggest a security breach. Experts are still looking for answers.

Katherine Bishop is a specialist correspondent and digital photographer, based in Washington DC. In 2013, she won the Joe Harris Award for Human Interest Writing for coverage of the Altian Diaspora. Previously with the Morning Tribune, Katherine joined AAN in 2001.

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