Enquiry Fails to Find Cause of Livonian Training Disaster
Livonia 'friendly fire' probe clears Russia of duping, but fails to provide answers.
A US board of inquiry has said it is “very unlikely” Russian provocateurs were behind the June 19 training accident in Livonia. The incident occurred when a Greyhawk UAV overshot its target and dropped a GPS-guided bomb on a military site, claiming the lives of 1 American and 7 Livonia. Allegations of human error and a strongly-worded denial of responsibility from the white house have led to a collapse in US Livonian relations as well as a cancellation of the exercise themselves, creating a logistical nightmare and leaving 11,000 overseas personnel stranded. The root cause of the UAV’s malfunction is still unknown and there is no evidence to suggest a security breach. Experts are still looking for answers.